Astronomy & Telescopes: A Brief History
Modern scopes have been a long time in the making. Astronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences, its origins dating back before prehistoric times. It is the study and observation of objects in the sky, such as planets, stars, comets, asteroids and nebulae. In the past, there was not a distinction between astronomy and […]
Terrestrial Planets
An assortment of strange and wonderful celestial bodies lie within the boundaries of our Solar System. Planets are of particular interest to amateur astronomers and professional scientists alike. Perhaps it has to do with how varied each is, or how they are the astronomical bodies we can relate to most. After all, our home is […]
Best Telescope Eyepieces – Guide & Reviews
Eyepieces are essential components to telescopes. Even a telescope of the best optics would be useless without a good set of eyepieces. A telescope’s primary optics gather and focus light while eyepieces magnify that light and bring clarity and detail to the images the telescope produces. A quality set of eyepieces is an investment that […]
Best Astrophotography Books
Astrophotography appeals to everyone – hobbyist astronomers, amateur lifestyle photographers, and professionals alike. It is a unique blend of science, photography and art wrapped into one very rewarding experience, but it can be overwhelming to navigate at first. Thankfully, there are wonderful books to help you along your journey. Browse through these comprehensive reviews of […]
Beginner Astrophotography Guide
Astrophotography is the science and art of photographing space and all its treasures. From the beautiful images found in astronomy magazines, to amateur shots using nothing more than a camera or smartphone, this wonderful hobby comes in all shapes and sizes. No longer just for pros, astrophotography has grown to be more accessible – and […]
Stellar Evolution
When we look to the stars, we look to the past. Light always plays catch-up with time, and the stars we see are evidence of this. A wonderful anomaly, it means we can see the universe at varying stages of its life simply by looking a little further or closer to home. The stars may […]
Telescope Accessories Buying Guide
The feeling of excitement from purchasing your first telescope can quickly turn to frustration and disappointment if you lack the correct accessories. A telescope on its own is a powerful instrument, but is limited without the necessary extras. This buyer’s guide will help you understand which accessories are most essential; their function and what to […]
Astronomy Terms – Space Jargon Made Easy
Science talk can very easily go straight over many heads. If you are a passionate about astronomy and want to learn more, but are confused by some of the terminology, this guide is made for you. We’ve made astronomy terms simple to understand in this comprehensive glossary of space jargon. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z A Absolute magnitude Stars […]
Jovian Planets
The solar system is an intricate and busy place. Planets, asteroids, moons and comets are all in movement around the Sun. All these bodies are so varied and unique, and nothing shows that more clearly than the planets. There are two very broad classes of planets within the solar system: terrestrial planets and giant planets, […]
Constellations of the Zodiac
What is the zodiac in astronomy, and how does it differ from astrology? In astronomy, the zodiac is the area of sky containing the constellations which lie along the apparent path of the Sun as it travels across the celestial sphere (the Earth’s poles and equator projected into the sky). This path is called the […]