Best Telescope Eyepieces – Guide & Reviews

Eyepieces are essential components to telescopes. Even a telescope of the best optics would be useless without a good set of eyepieces. A telescope’s primary optics gather and focus light while eyepieces magnify that light and bring clarity and detail to the images the telescope produces. A quality set of eyepieces is an investment that […]

Best Astrophotography Books

Astrophotography appeals to everyone – hobbyist astronomers, amateur lifestyle photographers, and professionals alike. It is a unique blend of science, photography and art wrapped into one very rewarding experience, but it can be overwhelming to navigate at first. Thankfully, there are wonderful books to help you along your journey. Browse through these comprehensive reviews of […]

Beginner Astrophotography Guide

Astrophotography is the science and art of photographing space and all its treasures. From the beautiful images found in astronomy magazines, to amateur shots using nothing more than a camera or smartphone, this wonderful hobby comes in all shapes and sizes. No longer just for pros, astrophotography has grown to be more accessible – and […]

Telescope Accessories Buying Guide

The feeling of excitement from purchasing your first telescope can quickly turn to frustration and disappointment if you lack the correct accessories. A telescope on its own is a powerful instrument, but is limited without the necessary extras. This buyer’s guide will help you understand which accessories are most essential; their function and what to […]

Astronomy Gifts for Adults and Kids

Whether you are looking for astronomy Christmas gifts, or gifts for astronomy lovers for another reason, you want a gift that will be both educational and fun. For children, you also want a gift that is durable and easy for small fingers to use. The best astronomy gift will even combine astronomy with another interest. […]

Best Home Planetarium Projector

Did you ever take a field trip to a planetarium and just think how cool it would be to own your own? Well, I have, and today I have a recommended list of the best home planetarium projectors on the market. I have put each one to the test to find out what is great […]

Meade ETX90EC Telescope Review

If you’re in search for a compact all-in-one telescope, the Meade ETX90EC might be the right device for you. The ETX90EC brings to the table a variety of helpful and innovative features. Buyers will be not disappointed! The optical clarity and power easily stand up against competitors. With optical power reaching up to x32 magnification, […]

Meade Polaris 130mm Telescope Review (216006)

Meade has managed to do the impossible; create an affordable telescope that also offers top of the line performance. The optical ability, durability, and helpful features like an EQ mount make the Meade Polaris 130 EQ telescope an overall excellent choice. When combined with a high-quality set of lenses, the optical potential of the Meade […]

Meade Infinity 102mm AZ Refractor Telescope Review (209006)

The right telescope is an important instrument in all backyard astronomers’ arsenal. It transforms your nights of naked eye and binocular viewing into a rich world of deep sky objects and gives you a detailed and fresh perspective of the Moon and planets. The Meade Infinity is one of the best starter-telescopes on the market. […]

Meade ETX 125 Observer Telescope Review (205005)

Type Maksutov-Cassegrain / Catadioptric   Aperture 127mm (5 inches) Focal Length 1900mm Mount Computerized GOTO Mount Accessories Steel Tripod with EQ Tilt, Astronomy Software DVD, Two 1.25 inch Plossl Eyepieces ( 9.7mm and 26mm), Red-dot Viewfinder, Backpack for Telescope and Accessories Focal Ratio f/15 Overview The Meade ETX-125 Observer is the last addition to the […]