Best Binoculars for Astronomy
The first thing every amateur astronomer and lover of the sky wants is a telescope. It is no wonder. Telescopes are a powerful key to opening up the visible universe, and are king of backyard astronomy. But there is a queen reining the night skies too – binoculars. Advantages of Binoculars Out Powers Telescopes You […]
Best Binoculars for Kids: Guide and Reviews
All astronomy enthusiasts want to rush off and get their first telescope, but binoculars are a better option for young stargazers in many ways. The right pair of binoculars for your child provides you with convenience, very little fuss, and an excellent budget. This guide covers everything from the advantages over telescopes to how to […]
Why Do Stars Shine?
When you go outside at night and see the sky filled with bright, twinkling stars, have you ever wondered why stars shine in the first place? Incredibly, the light you’re seeing has traveled through space for years until finally reaching your eyes. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to go outside and this view these […]
What is a Star Chart?
A star chart, also known as a star map, is a tool used to map the night sky. For thousands of years, people have studied the stars, dividing the night sky into grids. These grids allow people to identify and locate stars, constellations, galaxies and more. By turning the night sky into a readable map, […]
What Is a Star and What Are They Made Of?
Have you ever asked yourself “What is a star?” or “What are stars made of”? Most people know what a star is, but few can tell you of the top of their head what a star is actually made of. Although it is a common misconception that stars are “giant balls of gas”, they’re anything […]
Where do stars come from?
Stars form inside dense concentrations of interstellar gas and dust called molecular clouds. These clouds contain cool gas and dust (primarily molecular hydrogen) left over from the formation of galaxies. These molecular clouds want to dissipate, much like smoke, however, gravity keeps the cloud pulled together. Gravity continues to pull this gas and dust inward […]
Aries Constellation
Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac, situated north of the celestial equator. It is one of the 88 official constellations as recognized by the International Astronomical Union, albeit as a specific region of sky as opposed to a particular arrangement of stars. It was also listed as one of the 48 recognized constellations of the second […]
VY Canis Majoris
On March 7, 1801, a French astronomer by the name of Jérôme Lalande noticed a star he labeled as a 7th magnitude star (a reference to its brightness). This dated star catalogue entry was the first sighting of a star that has fascinated and puzzled astronomers ever since. Now called the VY Canis Majoris, or […]
Hubble Deep Field
Space is beautiful and fascinating, full of unexplored possibilities. While only a small fraction of the universe has been explored and mapped by astronomers, they have achieved certain remarkable feats of observation that have opened up windows into understanding the development of the universe. One of these feats has been the mapping of the Hubble […]
How to Build a Dobsonian Telescope at Home
Because of the simplicity of the Dobsonian’s reflector design and altazimuth mount, it is possible to build one yourself at home. While doing so may not necessarily save you significant amounts of money, the satisfaction of enjoying the nighttime sky with a viewing instrument you crafted yourself make building your own well worth the effort. […]