If you’re looking for a high-quality portable telescope, you need not look further than the Orion 10014 SkyQuest XT 4.5 Classic Dobsonian. The 10014 is great choice for both beginners and experienced astronomers, and is an excellent choice for a portable telescope. You’ll also find that the Orion 10014 is a great value and a worthwhile investment. The 10014 boasts many great features, including:


The Orion 10014 boats many great features and specifications given the fact that it’s a portable telescope. To the new astronomer the 10014 may seem like a rather large telescope, but by normal telescope standards this is a pretty small scope, which makes it great to use on- the-go. In spite of its size, the 10014 is still a powerful telescope that can be of use to astronomers of any skill level. The 10014 is given a generous 4.5 inch aperture, which is large for a telescope of this size. Two eyepieces are included that give a wide range of views of terrestrial objects in the night sky. Also, when you’re purchasing the 10014, you’re not just getting a telescope; you’re getting a whole package.

The 10014 comes with everything you’ll need to get started, including: eyepieces, a finder, and helpfulSky X astronomy software. Sky X is great for young astronomers who need some guidance when getting to know the 10014. Sky X can also function as a great tool for more experienced astronomers to refine their skills. One minor downfall to the 10014 is that finder is made of plastic, which isn’t much of an issue considering that the 10014 is a portable The scope is also rather small, which could pose a slight problem for adults. The eyepiece stands three inches off the ground, which may cause adults to have to hunch over a bit. Although it’s a little small, it’s nearly the perfect height for a child, which is why it’s a great choice for kids. The 10014 also does not come with a carrying case, so you may want to invest in a case of some sort to keep the telescope safe. Also, the telescope needs to be constructed out of the box, but with detailed instructions on the process, this isn’t much of an issue.

Considering the quality of the Orion 10014, it’s a great value. Coming in at around the $250 mark, the 10014 is well worth money. The 10014 is of quality that’s held to a much higher standard than the typical telescope that costs around $250. Although the telescope is small, it’s well-built and can compete with scopes in a much higher price range. In addition to the telescope itself, the 10014 comes with great extras, like the Sky X software. The Sky X software could be worth nearly the price of the 10014 itself, which makes it a great addition towards the package, and makes the 10014 all-the-more worth the price. The reasonable price is part of what makes the 10014 a great choice for kids and beginners; you can get a great first telescope without breaking the bank.

With the Orion 10014 SkyQuest XT 4.5, you’ll find a portable telescope that performs like a more expensive model. The 4.5 inch aperture on the 10014 provides bright, crisp views of the night sky. The amateur astronomer will find that the 4.5 inch aperture is plenty for their intents and purposes and more experienced astronomers will find this aperture is well-suited for a small portable telescope. The magnification of the 10014 is also excellent; you’ll find it easy to spot obscure terrestrial objects. The 10014 also performs very well at night, and you’ll find it works well in most conditions.  With the 10014 it’s easy to see Jupiter’s moons and provides enough magnification to see the crevasses of any comet you may come across. The Orion 10014 displays a remarkable amount of starlight which helps give you great views at night. The 10014 is also the perfect size for a portable telescope.

The 10014 is the smallest telescope in Orion’s Dobsonian line, which makes it great for transport. The 10014 is perfect if you’re chasing comets or need to travel frequently with your telescope. Overall, the Orion 10014 is an excellent choice for beginning astronomers. Although the 10014 is a portable telescope, it has all the functionality you’ll need to become an expert star-tracker. Tracking terrestrial objects with the 10014 is smooth and the views are bright and lively. The Dobsonian base on the 10014 is sturdy, which is a great feature of a portable telescope; many portable scopes are made with cheap materials and flimsy bases, but this isn’t the case with the Orion 10014. The 10014 is made of light, high-quality materials, and although some parts of the scope are made of plastic, the scope is still quite durable. The accessories that come with the 10014 also make it a great choice for kids and beginners. The Sky X software can help everyone learn more about astronomy, and is a fun and interactive way to learn how to best utilize your new Orion 10014.

The 10014 is also a great value, so you don’t have to worry about wasting your money if you’re new to the telescope market. With all that’s included in the package, you’ll find it easy to get started in astronomy for a reasonable price. The fact that the 10014 is quite durable makes it a great choice for families, in which the telescope would be passed around a bit. Families and beginners will find that the 10014 is easy enough to use and more experienced astronomers will also see that it also has the functionality of a much more advanced telescope. When it comes down to it, the Orion 10014 is an excellent choice of portable telescope for any skill level.